Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Power of One

Yesterday I had what I consider to be an "ah hah" moment.  I decided to grab some oatmeal for breakfast so I headed to McDonald's. When I pulled into the shopping center I noticed a women who was sitting in her car broke down in the middle of a four way intersection. Smack dab in the middle! It's a mean position to be in. I pulled into McD's and parked my truck and just sat there and watched. I sat there for several minutes just to see if anyone would stop and help her. Sure enough, NO ONE stopped to help this women. I went on ahead and walked over to assist her. I told her to put the car in neutral and I would just push her out of harms way. Then the funniest thing happened.

As I began to push the car a guy came out of nowhere and offered his help! So now its two of us we were about 150 feet from the gas station so we were gonna roll her car on in when TWO more guys RAN over to assist! I was like wow! Before you know it the lady was sitting at the pump and able to handle things on her own. We had done the good deed of the day thing and everything was once again right with the world.

 I walked back over to McDonald's and as I stood in line it hit me...Why was it that when I sat in my car and WATCHED the lady did no one offer to help? Remember I said earlier that I sat there for several minutes. I watched dozens of cars ride by her without as much as glancing in her direction. But as soon as I took the initiative to aid her folk came out of the wood work! I learned a lesson. I learned that sometimes it only takes you to champion a cause for things to get off the ground. Its called "the power of one".

There are many things to do and not enough doers who are willing to do them. There will always be nay sayers present. Thats their job! It basically comes down to you being willing to serve and do whats necessary. That's the mark of a leader. We have the power to change ANY circumstance we face. Here's another thing that hit me... After we pushed the car to the gas station there were people who applauded what we did. Here's the catch. They had to have been the same people who rode by and didn't offer any help to begin with. Ain't that funny? But guess what? It shows that you can win people over with your actions. I didn't help the women to be recognized. I just help her because she needed it. I got satisfaction out of helping her. Thats the power of one in action. I believe when you do those little things for others it always comes back to you. It's its own reward. Remember you can change the world through your words, thoughts and actions. You're greater than any super hero you've seen or read about. It starts with you! Do you believe that what you do matters? I PROMISE you it does! Take the first step. Stop watching... get out of your comfort zone... Walk over to the situation... and PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-A. Brown


  1. Al, your writing is very motivational....keep it up!

  2. you are so right. I often do things just because like if Im in line and I am able to I will pay for my stuff and the person behind me and not tell them. By the time they get ready to pay and the cashier say it was already paid for I am gone. I don't do it because I want them to know it or me, I do it just because.

  3. So very true...the power of one...can move mountains! Your words are a perfect example. After reading, its only confirmation that "I" matter. Thank you Alex.

  4. thank you all for reading and responding. It means alot! Much Love.
