Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lessons Learned

Its always tough to see your way clear when your in the midst of a storm. I can personally attest to this because in the last year, I have faced some really tough times. So tough that I had to look around and say this CANNOT be my life!! I've taken into account that everybody goes through things but it seems that I'm dealing with my own special kind of hell. Now before I go on let me say that yes I still have my health and my job and all of my fingers and toes but it seems that there have been many situations that I have been placed in and not faired the way I think it should have gone. Through all these things though I have learned a few lessons that I think will serve anybody if you just think on it and follow through. Here are a few that I hope you can benefit from...

Please know that everybody does not care for you NO MATTER WHAT!!: Yes I said it! Thinking that just because you are a good person, you pay tithes at your church, You have two of Jerry's kids living with you, and that you feed the homeless and read them bedtime stories nightly, and that you have a Platinum stamped pass into heaven does not mean SQUAT! There are people who do not like you just because you didn't die in your sleep. (Lol) If they had their way you would have no hands, arms and only one leg to hop your ass out of the door. Know that there will NEVER be a compromise with this person. They hate you and will never look at you like a person with a mind heart and soul. Make sure you keep an eye on these folks because secretly they plot to do you in. Whenever you're in their presence just smile so they suck their teeth at you. Tell them that the blouse they are wearing goes so well with their hair and that you have some matching glitter for them (they HATE that). Whatever you do (Watch Your Back!!!!)

Take Advantage of Time: I wish I would have finished the degree, spent more time with the kids, saved more money, learned the specifics of the promotion before it was posted...
These are all situations created because we squandered our time away. I am SOOOO guilty of this and it has come back to haunt me time and time again. Right now I know I should have completed my Master's Degree but I didn't value my time. So here I am underpaid like a mutha! Its my own fault though! If I would have gotten it I probably would not be worrying about should I pay Pepco or Washington Gas this month?? I know it may be funny but it is many peoples reality. I heard a brother say to start thinking of time in hours as opposed to days and weeks. I though it was genius because when you view time in days you think you have just that. Days! It seems like a long time but in actuality its not. When you view time in hours you realize you have 24 hours in a day. Eight of those hours go to sleep,one to getting up dressed and moving, two go to commuting, one goes to bathroom time. one to eating, eight to working, three to interact and socialize and boobtube. Here is my point, How can you accomplish anything of substance when all your time is gone? Count it up for yourself if you don't believe me!

Make Informed Decisions From Good CounselThere is nothing wrong with not knowing what to do. The problem comes in when you dont have a clue and you wing it anyway. This is called "Dumbassness" and it is a disease that is crippling folk exponentially. Please don't let it overtake you. Always get advice from level headed people. Especially positive people who are knowledgable in specific areas. What kills me are people who ask people for advice who don't know anymore than you DO! Be willing to admit that the advice you got from someone suspect is like eating bad meat. It's coming back to haunt you and very soon! Without good counsel it could be very costly. Your hard earned dollars should benefit directly from your informed decisions.

These are a few of the lessons I have learned and relearned along the way to forward progression. I consider myself fortunate that I still have all my facilities and my extremeties. I pray it doesn't take you as long. Be well...  -A. Brown

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brown for the right on time info. I feel like I owe you some money for this therapy time....well not really money, I'm broke. But I am sending a big hug and a thank you.
