Friday, July 12, 2013

The Devastation of Indecision

by Alex Brown

Whether you're trying to choose whats for dinner or if you leave a job for a new one or which suit to wear the ability to make a decision it critical. Many people lack the ability to make solid decisions which in turn set off a series of events that can be quite catastrophic. Have you ever been at the grocery store and the person is walking very slow down the aisle looking from side to side and confused? How about at the mall when you are trying to find a shirt for work and you go to the section and there is a person standing in front of the section looking lost with 7 shirts in their hands? What about at your favorite fast food joint? The person in front of you is looking at the menu like the store changes the menu every hour! You are looking at that person like...MAN IF YOU DONT COME ON!!!!! Right?? Its hard sometimes I know but the inability to make a concrete decision can bring everything and everyone in its path to a grinding halt.

Recently, I had to make some decisions about letting some things and some people go. It was something that was extremely difficult to do. When you love and care for someone the last thing you want to do is be at odds with them. You know the right thing to do but its hard to  In those situations, no one wants to put their adult hat on and do what must be done. What if you make the wrong decision? How will they respond? How can you live with the fallout of that? I have a few things that might help you ease the burden...

Decision Making Is Connected To Your Purpose

Your purpose is connected to your ability to decide on things in your life.
Whatever you desire you must first make an effort to state the things that you want. Wanna have a kid? Decide! Want a new career? Decide! Overweight? Decide! Then you must initiate action in order to reach your goal. What many people don't realize is that when you make a decision everything has to align with the decision that you are making. People, activities,  and everything else all have to adjust to you. That means that what you do is important and it has a direct effect on everything else around it. Your choice is powerful so Stop Wasting Time!  Don't negate the situation by thinking that it's no big deal. It is!

Being Indecisive Waste Time and Cost Money

Whenever you make a decision the action then has to happen. When you delay the process you cause things to be delayed and it cost you more time and money. Remember when you couldnt decide what to make for dinner? You sat around until it got too late to cook and you had to end up going out to pick up something quick? What if you had to buy for multiple people? Already the cost is mounting. Now its late and you end up spending double the amount it would have cost had you just made the decision to cook those chicken wings! What about the ticket you had to pay? You should have paid it sometime ago but you didn't now its doubled in cost. It always cost more to be indecisive.

Indecisiveness will cause decisions to be made for you.

When people cant make up their mind their opinion will not be taken into consideration. How many times have we told our children if you do not make a choice one will be made for you? Many times right? For some, thats their way of operating. They never want to decide and end up taking what's been given to them. If you want whats yours then you have to speak up and decide that you're going to do whats neccessary to secure it. When you are indecisive or decide to do nothing the blame falls solely on you. Be it a relationship you want to progress or a job you want to be considered for. The inabilty to decide will cause great friction and it may even cause you to lose someone or something.

The life you have should be spent wisely doing things you enjoy with people you love and cherish. Stop thinking about what you should do and simply do it. Here's a real kicker! Indecisiveness is really a decision! You cant remain on the fence because the devil owns the fence! So remember, your actions have a greater impact on others than you think. The world aligns to your decisions and when you don't make them it cost time and money. Moreover, by not making them one will surely be made for you and thats not always a good thing. I want my decisions to affect me in such a way that people around me benefit because I chose to act. You should consider that. The next time you're in limbo about a relationship or job remember this... It may be hard today but It will cost you more tomorrow to do nothing. Be well... A. Brown

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