Thursday, August 1, 2013

Candy Crush Addiction

 by Alex Brown

I wish i had a dime for every time you pulled out that damn phone out of your pocket and played Candy Crush!
I'd be payed beyond the level you cant conquer.
What if...You paid attention to me like you did Candy Crush?
Would you love me just as passionately?
Would you spend all your time tryin to get on my level?
Would you beg your friends for their resources just to play with me?
Could I breathe more lives into you?
Would you tell everyone you were addicted to me?
How in love would we be?
What If you held me like you held your phone?
Went to sleep playing with me
With me laying on your chest while you were
Dreaming about me?
Then Waking up touching on me...eyes alert
mouth perched like the Joker's smirk...
Putting your fingers all over me
What if you couldnt pay others any attention because it was all directed to me?
Would you yell and scream and wanna fight me because I made you wait 12 minutes to talk to me? be with me?
I doubt it...and thats how you make me feel...
Because I know you would all this and more for Candy Crush...and thats sad...but real